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Personnellement, une prise de poids d'environ trente-cinq livres a été enregistrée au cours de mes études universitaires, ce qui a été attribué à la nature sédentaire des études de comptabilité et de gestion à l'université. Cependant, après avoir appris l'éducation à la santé et appliqué cette méthodologie, le poids supplémentaire a été perdu en sept mois. De plus, mon état général de santé et de bien-être s'est considérablement amélioré et les leçons apprises sur la perte de poids seront partagées au cours des prochains mois, permettant ainsi aux autres d'obtenir des résultats similaires. J'ai vraiment hâte de travailler avec et de rencontrer tout le monde tout au long de ce nouveau voyage passionnant !

2) The second Icon will redirect you to some products such as food scales, weight scales, water bottles, and athletic wear that will facilitate your journey. Full disclosure, the product sales will help supplement my income and allow me to provide this information for free while also helping to pay for my education. The products are easily available at other online stores but hopefully your kindness and the convenience factor will be enough to convince you to purchase here. Please Note That: "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases"

3) The third icon will direct you to the page where you can book your free initial consultation, discuss your personal goals, and clarify any questions you may have about our services. Considering that the process of weight loss can be quite confusing additional meetings can be scheduled at your convenience to discuss any further questions. Furthermore, the Lets Chat! button in the bottom righthand corner of each page can be used for simple questions. The chat will be monitored and when the same type of questions are posted by several users an article or video may be posted to provide further clarity and save you the expense.

Personally speaking, weight gain of about thirty-five pounds was experienced during my academic studies which was attributed to the sedentary nature of studying accounting and management in university. However, after learning about health education and applying that methodology the additional weight was lost within seven months. In addition, my overall state of health and wellness has substantially improved and the lessons learned about weight loss will be shared over the next few months thereby empowering others to achieve similar results. Really looking forward to working with and meeting everyone throughout this exciting new journey!

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